5-17-03: Well, as you may have noticed, Tinhorn disappeared for awhile! I'm glad to say, he is now back! Due to a busy end-of-semester at school, I wasn't able to update. Glad to be back!

2-7-03: Tinhorn is now featured at WebComics! I added a link to it on the links page. Go there and click on it a bunch of times! Each click is a vote for my strip and will help it get into the Top 50 listing. Thanks! --Dave

1-25-03: I added some new pages up at the top and got up this week's comic. Enjoy! --Dave

1-20-03: Welcome to Tinhorn Online! Right now the site is pretty bare, but that should change pretty soon. I hope to have descriptions of the strip and it's characters up soon and the archives should be operational as soon as next week's comic goes up. Stop back by and tell a friend! -- Dave